Andrew Clayton, Head of Global Customer Experience, E.ON

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by Andrew Clayton.

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    Peter initially has been tasked with a clear assignment with specific goals and outcomes that he is expected to deliver that will also serve to support his credentials for further promotion and career acceleration. Peter after taking the role has uncovered additional facts and data which could lead to alternative strategic choices that could benefit both the company and wider stakeholders (people, local trade unions, regulators’ etc..). It would be important to use the additional data which could possibly be unknown to senior management, outline a range of strategic choices available including outlining the pros and cons and make a concrete recommendation with supporting rationale. Once that discussion has taken place and the strategic choice agreed upon, Peter should fully commit and back that choice and drive execution. He should ensure he develops a change communication plan that fits the strategic choice and provides transparency to all stakeholders’ to successfully manage the transformation. Andrew Clayton, Head of Global Customer Experience, E.ON, Germany

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