Ch. 10: Sovereign Style vs Servant Style

Examine the styles:

Find out more about these two opposite leadership styles.

Sovereign Leadership Style

King Louis XIV of France is famed for declaring “L’état, c’est moi” – the State, that’s me. To him, the government of France existed to serve his purposes, not the other way around. As such, he is the classic example of a sovereign leader, making the organization his tool, not himself a tool for the organization. Sovereign leaders place the realization of their objectives over and above the interests and objectives of their followers. After all, the very reason for taking the lead in the first place is usually to be able to chase their dreams, fulfill their own needs and to be masters of their own destiny.

Servant Leadership Style

Leaders emphasizing service over self-actualization have a servant leadership style. They see it as their task to help other people to grow and excel, and for the team to achieve success. To them, it is not about accomplishing their own dreams, but about supporting their team in shaping a shared vision and striving towards it’s realization. The organization is not a tool for them, they are there for the organization. As such, servant leaders rarely shout “follow me”, preferring to quietly say “I’m behind you all the way”.

Examine the case

Ideas and practices worth sharing:

Here you can read up on suggestions about developing a specific leadership style and on how to avoid certain leadership pitfalls. Make sure to leave your own suggestions behind for others as well.

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