Examine the styles:
Find out more about these two opposite leadership styles.
Integrative Leadership Style
Integrative leaders emphasize unity over diversity when building their teams. To get people to really pull together as a team, integrative leaders tend to recruit people who are on the same wave length – embracing common values, sharing a common worldview, speaking a common language, adhering to common rules and working according to common practices. These leaders then quickly shape the team into a tightly-knit unit with a strong sense of shared direction and identity.
Federative Leadership Style
Federative leaders emphasize diversity over unity when building their teams. Federative leaders realize that a diversity of ideas, experiences and practices is needed to avoid complacency and to fuel discussion and renewal. There is no innovation without diversity. Moreover, diversity facilitates flexibility and adaptability. As companies globalize and societies become more open to diversity along the lines of gender, ethnic background, life style and values, organizations increasingly need to be agile to serve these diverse segments and tap into this diverse labor market.
Ideas and practices worth sharing:
Here you can read up on suggestions about developing a specific leadership style and on how to avoid certain leadership pitfalls. Make sure to leave your own suggestions behind for others as well.
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