Erwin van Laethem, CEO Van de Velde

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years ago by Erwin van Laethem.

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  • #830

    In my view, Adrian should start by finding ways to see more deeply into the organizational system, actively connect to it and initiate a systemic transformation. He should be developing and  activating a guiding coalition,  while developing a shared vision based on a common platform of understanding.  A few steps :

      1.  Articulate a clear case for change. He should engage the full organization: Do they recognize the issues, what should be done about it?

      2.  Develop an inspiring, compelling story. He needs to paint an attractive vision of what success would look like. For this he should engage with all the stakeholders, enabling them to influence and enrich it. At the same time he should encourage his team to communicate as well (e.g. road shows, town halls) and through that, create co-ownership.

      3.  Trust that the answer is in the organization. Select a cross-section of 60-80 people (senior, junior, experienced, recent hires) to identify 5-8 priority themes and come up with first actionable steps, making sure these get visibility, senior sponsorships, quality resources and therefore gain traction.

      4.  Throughout the above actively create an environment of group-based collaborative dialogue. During workshops, Adrian’s management team should lead by example, working hands on and demonstrating the desired behavior. They should genuinely encourage people to influence and take ownership. What works or does not work in these workshops will have a similar effect in the wider system.

    In short, Adrian shouldn’t decide autocratically, but rather use a democratic leadership style, trusting the wisdom of the organization to find a path forward.

    Erwin van Laethem, CEO Van de Velde.

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