Ch. 4: Demanding Style vs Encouraging Style

Examine the styles:

Find out more about these two opposite leadership styles.

Demanding Leadership Style

Demanding leaders prefer to emphasize challenge over appreciation as a means of stimulating performance. They believe that the best way to spur an individual to an exceptional accomplishment is by continuously highlighting the upside potential and refusing to accept that the current performance is the best possible. These leaders challenge their followers to rise above themselves and to see that they are capable of operating at a higher level.


Encouraging Leadership Style

Encouraging leaders prefer to emphasize appreciation over challenge when spurring people to do their best. They don’t like to point towards the gap between current and potential performance, as they find this stance counterproductive. Instead, they focus on the positive, recognizing people’s track record and competences, while showing confidence in their ability and willingness to do a good job in future. They want people to believe in themselves and to have the inner strength to go out and excel, so they focus on mental support and positive reinforcement wherever necessary.

Examine the case

Ideas and practices worth sharing:

Here you can read up on suggestions about developing a specific leadership style and on how to avoid certain leadership pitfalls. Make sure to leave your own suggestions behind for others as well.

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