Alain Beyens, Former-CEO Starbev and Pelican Rouge

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 3 months ago by Alain Beyens.

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  • #478

    In this case I would go for the safe pair of hands, as stabilizing and expanding the existing business is key. Moreover, as the firm is just at break-even, focus on the bottom-line and cash are crucial. Even knowing that there is no suitable internal candidate available, I would still open up the position to everyone in the organization, as the opportunity to grow is important to people’s motivation. As for the other domains, such as new channels and new business, these I would cluster into a separate role, reporting to me as CEO. Focusing on innovation and creating an environment where this is possible, without losing sight of the existing business, is crucial and therefore for the CEO. 

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