Ronald Goedmakers, CEO, Vebego

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 3 months ago by Ronald Goedmakers.

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  • #459

    To build a position in the new online market it is necessary to split off activities into a separate unit with significant freedom to maneuver. The established departments will see this as a threat to their future. My approach would be to give Paolo a lot of leeway and only where collaboration is strictly required to actively enforce it. Logistics, IT and marketing are the obvious candidates for joint activities. I would trigger collaboration by trying to convince the managers involved about the importance of online activities and by adapting their individual objectives. Besides that, I would give Paolo a free hand to create work-arounds and get going, if the adjustment of existing systems and ways of working was too complex or expensive. Francesca will need to manage the tension between the existing and the online business herself. She shouldn’t make the mistake of burdening Paolo with the responsibility for the transition of the whole business instead of letting him concentrate on the start-up phase of the online business.

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