Ronald Goedmakers changed their profile picture 7 years, 7 months ago
Ronald Goedmakers changed their profile picture 7 years, 7 months ago
Ronald Goedmakers started the topic Ronald Goedmakers, CEO, Vebego in the forum Approaches to Leadership Attunement 7 years, 7 months ago
If I were Claus, I would propose to Jeffrey to organize a team session with the Management Team to discuss and clarify the tensions. I would let this session be lead by an experienced external facilitator. The objective of this session would be to give all involved insight into each other’s beliefs and motivations. By sharing this understanding t…[Read more]
Ronald Goedmakers started the topic Ronald Goedmakers, CEO, Vebego in the forum Approaches to Leadership Attunement 7 years, 7 months ago
If I were Claus, I would propose to Jeffrey to organize a team session with the Management Team to discuss and clarify the tensions. I would let this session be lead by an experienced external facilitator. The objective of this session would be to give all involved insight into each other’s beliefs and motivations. By sharing this understanding t…[Read more]
Ronald Goedmakers started the topic Ronald Goedmakers, CEO, Vebego in the forum Approaches to Organizational Composition 7 years, 7 months ago
To build a position in the new online market it is necessary to split off activities into a separate unit with significant freedom to maneuver. The established departments will see this as a threat to their future. My approach would be to give Paolo a lot of leeway and only where collaboration is strictly required to actively enforce it.…[Read more]
Ronald Goedmakers started the topic Ronald Goedmakers, CEO, Vebego in the forum Approaches to Organizational Composition 7 years, 7 months ago
To build a position in the new online market it is necessary to split off activities into a separate unit with significant freedom to maneuver. The established departments will see this as a threat to their future. My approach would be to give Paolo a lot of leeway and only where collaboration is strictly required to actively enforce it.…[Read more]